While there is no doubt that the digital age has made it easier to do business, it has also taken the personal contact out of the client business relationship. When you really want to make an impression, a phone call is a much more personal way to deliver your message. Here are some things to consider about phone service at your business:


Different cultures prefer more direct communication


Text and email messages are not the normal way of doing business in all areas of the world. If you have a client who seems to prefer to do business on the phone then you should honor their wishes if possible. This can mean arranging calls to accommodate different time zones in some cases. Showing your clients that you respect their preferred way of doing business will help ensure that they stay a client in the future.


Talking on the phone improves communication skills


It can be harder for some people to sound professional when speaking, versus how they “sound” in written form. Phone calls to clients are a good way to keep communications skills honed if you or employees are lacking in this key area. If you learn to communicate better on the phone you will also improve your public speaking skills so you can impress your peers and clients at your next trade show or conference.


The right phone system for your business


The complexity of your phone system will depend on the size of your business. If most of your clients seem to prefer digital forms of communication you may be fine with one or two phone lines. Primus business phone systems provide a variety of services for business customers, such as call hunting. This means that if one phone line is busy then your caller will be transferred to an available line as quickly as possible. When clients are served faster, they will be happier because you are recognizing that their time is valuable.


Sum it all up


Phone calls need not take up an extreme amount of time. Plan the call to your client so that you make the best use of time. Information should be reviewed well before the call if you have a lot to cover. Having your computer and company database at hand can help you find information quickly if a client has a question that you cannot readily answer.


Combining the old way with the new


Even clients who seem to prefer digital means of communication may appreciate a phone call once in a while. This is particularly true of long-term clients who you very well might be friends with. Phone calls and emails are both great ways to make efficient use of time if they are used correctly. Phones also give you a way to communicate in case you do not have internet service for a period of time. Although internet outages are becoming rarer, they still happen occasionally and you want to be able to offer clients good service at all times.